Data corruption is the accidental modification of a file or the loss of info that usually occurs during reading or writing. The reason can be hardware or software failure, and because of this, a file can become partially or entirely corrupted, so it'll no longer work correctly as its bits will be scrambled or missing. An image file, for example, will no longer present a true image, but a random mix of colors, an archive will be impossible to unpack as its content will be unreadable, and so on. When such a problem appears and it is not noticed by the system or by an administrator, the data will be corrupted silently and if this happens on a disk drive which is a part of a RAID array where the data is synchronized between various different drives, the corrupted file will be reproduced on all the other drives and the harm will be long term. A number of commonly used file systems either don't feature real-time checks or don't have high quality ones that will detect a problem before the damage is done, so silent data corruption is a common matter on hosting servers where large volumes of information are stored.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Shared Hosting

We guarantee the integrity of the information uploaded in any shared hosting account that is generated on our cloud platform due to the fact that we use the advanced ZFS file system. The latter is the only one that was designed to avoid silent data corruption via a unique checksum for each and every file. We shall store your information on a number of NVMe drives which function in a RAID, so the exact same files will be available on several places concurrently. ZFS checks the digital fingerprint of all of the files on all the drives in real time and in case the checksum of any file differs from what it has to be, the file system swaps that file with a healthy copy from another drive in the RAID. There's no other file system which uses checksums, so it's easy for data to be silently damaged and the bad file to be duplicated on all drives over time, but since that can never happen on a server running ZFS, you don't have to concern yourself with the integrity of your information.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We've avoided any risk of files getting corrupted silently due to the fact that the servers where your semi-dedicated hosting account will be created employ a powerful file system named ZFS. Its advantage over various other file systems is that it uses a unique checksum for every single file - a digital fingerprint that's checked in real time. As we keep all content on a number of NVMe drives, ZFS checks if the fingerprint of a file on one drive matches the one on the remaining drives and the one it has saved. In case there's a mismatch, the damaged copy is replaced with a healthy one from one of the other drives and because it happens in real time, there's no chance that a damaged copy could remain on our web hosting servers or that it could be duplicated to the other hard disks in the RAID. None of the other file systems employ this type of checks and furthermore, even during a file system check right after a sudden power loss, none of them can discover silently corrupted files. In comparison, ZFS doesn't crash after a power failure and the continual checksum monitoring makes a lenghty file system check obsolete.